florence babycare
florence babycare

Baby Coach Scheduling and Specialties:-

  1. Specialize in both single and multibirth 
  • Initiating a schedule for babies meals, sleeping & awake time
  • Cord Care
  • Circumcision care
  • Taking Care of baby after Bris
  • Acid reflux
  • Infant temperament, stimulation and safety                                        
  • Breast feeding assistance if needed
  • Takng care of baby feeding utencils
  • Teach parents what to do for their babies       
  • Reading & stimulating activities for baby
  • Bathing baby
  • Up keeping of baby's nursery


smart sleep solutions

Interested in learning more about infant ? From eliminating night wakings to naps






sibling preparation


Welcoming a new baby into the family is a joyous occasion, though it often presents a roller coaster of emotions for the soon-to-be big brother or sister. If you are looking for some guidance on concrete ways to prepare your older child(ren) for the arrival of a baby.



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© Florence Baby Care