florence babycare
florence babycare

Welcome to the site that cares about you and your baby!

 The responsibility of caring for a newborn in the home can be overwhelming, especially for the first time parents. The staff of Florence BabyCare (FBC) are well trained and equipped to handle every aspect of infant care, thereby removing stress  and allowing parents to fully enjoy the introudction of their newborn into their world. Using clinically approved techniques, we create an environment that is nurturing and secure for parents and babies.



Who is Florence?


I have spent the last 25 years researching and developing a very effective tectnique in infant care that works for both breast and formula feeding babies. I patiently and systematically observed and studied the development of infant care with resounding success. I can therefore asssure you that FBC will undoubtedly meet and exceed your expectations.


Having observed and studied the growth patterns of most babies in my care, I can assure parents that their precious young ones would be on a solid schedule that would allow both parents and babies to sleep comfortable through out the night within six to eight weeks:  permitting the child is in good health from birth.



Baby Coach/Baby Nurse


I have carefuly selected and trained numerous Baby Coaches/ Baby Nurse and employed various LPN, as well. All my employees are of exemplary character with pleasant personalities, who are parents themselves. They understand the need to serve and work in an effective manner with both baby and parent, and have found ways to integrate the new born infant into their new surroundings. Having Baby Coaching and Baby Nursing experience they are equipped to make the first months and beyond of your baby's/babies' life a pleasure to the family.



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